
QR codes are no longer a new technology- they’ve become a part of everyday life . More than 70% of all diners would use a QR code ordering system even if there were a server available instead! If restaurants, bars and cafes don’t adapt to this new norm, they’ll be left behind. Digital menus are here to stay, so switching to an effective QR code menu should become a top priority for hospitality businesses. 

Previously, many customers would have fumbled with a QR code, unsure of what it was or how it worked. But with new technologies, the growing popularity of delivery/pick up services and check-in requirements, customers have become more tech-savvy than ever. Implementing tech into the dining experience is no longer a painful process but an easy way to glide through ordering and paying for food. 

Please contact us today if you would like a free, no obligation demonstration of Tayble.

Tayble has led the development of digital menu technology for over 5 years. Our suite of hospitality technology products enables hundreds of venues to increase profitability and improve their customer experience.